When I finally got to the hospital today the gang from the neurology dept had left for the day but the ER tech who came to greet me was excited and told me that when she flipped Max a few minutes before she started to see more of a spark in there. She took me back to see him and his eyes were open, he was blinking. His right pupil was responding to light, but the left one isn't yet. He could move his legs a little, and was able to swallow which I thought was great! If he can keep it up and keep improving HOPEFULLY we can avoid a feeding tube.
I put my finger in his ear and he shook his head, however, when I tried to film it, it didn't work that way - he coughed instead. Not sure he can see yet, but sometimes when I had my hand over his eye (not touching but a few inches away he'd close his eyes. Still a reflex.. but a lot more than he was doing the day before. Also when the tech went to inject his keppra into his leg catheter he kicked his leg. Again, technically a reflex, but more than he was doing the day before and that was a reflex to something that was irritating him so he can feel it.
Please keep the good positive energy coming! He's doing great! The ER vet let me know that sometimes it can take 5-10 or more days to come out of a coma, we're on day 5...
I wanted to post this video for anyone who is dealing with this sort of a thing... don't give up hope too quickly. It may look dire, but sometimes you just need time.
That's great news!