Sunday, August 19, 2012

Look who's holding his head up all by himself!

Look Who's holding his head up all by himself!  And turning to the right side this time (definitely his stronger side... still working on the left side)  But he's practicing his self control and was able to hold that position for a good 4 minutes before he decided to try and get his nose to touch his rear end..   Now he's less than pleased with me b/c I have him on his side - feeding tube down and am trying to get him to repeat.. Not as fun when you have a tube pressed into you!


  1. Well, lookie there at Mighty Max surveying his kingdom. With all his new moves, he must be keeping you up all night and hopping all day while he practices and practices! Countdown started for arrival of Eddie Wheels tomorrow and some pictures. Okay, so as not to embarrass Max, we can wait a day or two until he gets the hang of it :) Dude and Dude's Mom

  2. His wheels were shipped yesterday and should be here tomorrow!!! We'll do a few practice runs before the cameras come out!!! But they'll be out!
